Monday, April 20, 2009

Sunday drinking

Can somebody please tell me what it is that makes drinking on sunday afternoons so appealing?!!!

Ok,so you have your obvious reasons,like a curer from being totally pissed an saturday night and then there's the football on sky sports or god forbid setanta(worse than TV3),getting out of doing the gardening,cleaning out the garage and all the other stuff you said last week that you would do next week etc!etc!

But there is that something extra special about sunday drinking,i mean,i know some people who stay in on saturday night because they want to enjoy their few pints on sunday afternoon and then they have to get up on monday morning for work in bleedin bits 'cos although they went out in the afternoon they staggered home at about 9 bells with a curry or a 1 and 1 under their arm which remained in the bag until the dog slaughtered it the following morning,and then bang on about never drinking on a work night again only to remember liverpool or united or arsenal are on the box the following sunday and their dodgy box is bollixed so they just have to go the pub to watch it!

Don't get me wrong,i love a few pints on a sunday afternoon but i'm on a 3 day week because of this poxy recession and so have monday and tuesday off and therefore i don't have the perils of that monday morning feeling of dry mouth,panic,not knowing what the fuck is going on and going into work with your jumper on back to front or,if your a girl,your skirt/dress tucked into your knickers........Eeek!

Roll on sunday.......!

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