Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Online poker

Have you got the bug yet?
Online poker?
C'mon you must have at least got the vapours of the fever!
Well where the hell have you been man(woman or child) sure it's all over the tv or the tele if your a northsider like me,but let's face it TEXAS HOLD 'EM is everywhere,sure you can't even go for a pint on a thursday night without been tempted into a game.

20 euro buy in they say,sure it's only a bit o'craic they say,and before you know it your fingernails are gone and so too is your money and then your wife/husband,kids......

Ok,so that's the extreme but the whole thing is lethal.
I can understand having played some hands online how you can become addicted,so here's my poker history.....

I put $30 into pacific poker one night when i was shitfaced drunk,wake up and realise what a dick i've been but anyway the money is there so let's play........Bring it on.....

Long story short,$30 goes to $38 goes to$22 goes to $66 goes to $111 goes to $28 and now i have $10'75.......

The moral of the story is "Stay the fuck away from online poker"

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Fecking gunners

I know that this will go over the heads of most people and most of you just won't give a fuck but it means a lot to me so just suck it up OK!

I've just been watching the liverpool v Arsenal match on sky sports,a match liverpool really had to win if they if they have serious ambitions of winning the title for the first time since 1990(Jaysus has it been that long,sob)and stop the manc bastards equalling our record of 18 leauge titles,which is totally unacceptable.

I mean,we just can't let that that happen can we?Can you imagine all those little ronaldo wannabes going around the place gloating and diving and doing sunbeds until they're an illuminous shade of orange!Noooooooo!

Anyway my point is,this can't go on,my heart just won't take it,that's two 4-4 draws within 7 days.If this keeps up i will be found dead on my sofa with either a glass of wine or a can of heino stuck to my hand.

Class football though!

And that's another point,we(by that i mean liverpool)have a bad rep for being boring,well we're not,we have the best goal difference in the league and we're always involved the most exciting games(tonight/last tuesday/2005 chmp lgue final)to mention but a few but the mancs seem to have the big chip on their shoulders about all the supposed ABU'S,well i'm not an ABU i'm a Liverpool supporter and i hate Man u but it's just common rivalry just the same as all the mancs hate the scousers....Does that make you guys ABL's.....

Anyway,i will Love it,just love if we beat them.....KK,legend!

Monday, April 20, 2009

A little poem

I saw a man at my door,his face i could not see
but around him shone a light,a light of dignity
I'd seen his shape before,many years ago
In my dreams and in my thoughts,it was no mystery
Out of the dark and into the dust i have to find my truth
because without it i am nothing and i have no legacy.

Sunday drinking

Can somebody please tell me what it is that makes drinking on sunday afternoons so appealing?!!!

Ok,so you have your obvious reasons,like a curer from being totally pissed an saturday night and then there's the football on sky sports or god forbid setanta(worse than TV3),getting out of doing the gardening,cleaning out the garage and all the other stuff you said last week that you would do next week etc!etc!

But there is that something extra special about sunday drinking,i mean,i know some people who stay in on saturday night because they want to enjoy their few pints on sunday afternoon and then they have to get up on monday morning for work in bleedin bits 'cos although they went out in the afternoon they staggered home at about 9 bells with a curry or a 1 and 1 under their arm which remained in the bag until the dog slaughtered it the following morning,and then bang on about never drinking on a work night again only to remember liverpool or united or arsenal are on the box the following sunday and their dodgy box is bollixed so they just have to go the pub to watch it!

Don't get me wrong,i love a few pints on a sunday afternoon but i'm on a 3 day week because of this poxy recession and so have monday and tuesday off and therefore i don't have the perils of that monday morning feeling of dry mouth,panic,not knowing what the fuck is going on and going into work with your jumper on back to front or,if your a girl,your skirt/dress tucked into your knickers........Eeek!

Roll on sunday.......!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Enjoying the park

I went to the phoenix park today for a run/walk/run which i do from time to time,but not nearly enough.But,in my defence i live miles away and i don't drive so it's no too accesible for me but my girlfriend lives close by and when we do go i enjoy it immensely.Anyway what struck me today and also when i thought back to the last time i went was of the amount of immigrant families that were there,and just let me say before the anger steam starts emanating from your every orifice this isn't a racist comment,far from it in fact.

I just thought that it was really brilliant and heart warming to see these people,people who have probably suffered more racial abuse and discrimination and intolerance than any person ever should(ok,i know there should be zero tolerance on that front but it's just too ingrained in the minds of some people so let's not be naive) enjoying the wonderful public amenities that we have,amenities that alot of dubliners take for granted and because of our inherent and ingrained begrudging nature never take advantge of and bemoan the fact "There's nuttin to do in this kip".

It just made me think that there are probably so many ignorant,racist xenophobes out there who know less about our local heritage and amenities than "the bleedin forriners"but who are the first to point the finger at them when things go wrong;i.e.Job losses"if those bleedin forriners weren't here there'd be loads of jobs"...Well fuck off you lazy cunt you've never worked a day in your life!

So let's just all enjoy our beautiful country and not discriminate!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Hello,i'm new to this whole blogging lark so please forgive my lack of blogging professionalism.I've wanted to set one up for a long time but just completely lacked the confidence,which i know sounds bizzare considering it can be as anonymous as you want it to be but there you are,a new level of shyness!So any tips will be greatfully accepted,thank you.

I will be writing about general everyday stuff and and today's post is about dogs,as the title says.You see my ex wife asked me would i be kind enough to look after her boxer while she is on holiday's from work,a reasonable request i hear you say and it wasn't a problem for me to do it 'cos i love dogs,but i have one myself,an absolutely gorgeous basset hound (if i do say so myself:-),but he is only 6 months old so he is completley fascinated with her and keep's following her around and the friction is awful with the snarlling and the snapping and the whole terroritorial domination thing,so if anybody has any tips on the canine conflict resolution thing gis a shout pleeeeeeaaaaase!