Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Online poker

Have you got the bug yet?
Online poker?
C'mon you must have at least got the vapours of the fever!
Well where the hell have you been man(woman or child) sure it's all over the tv or the tele if your a northsider like me,but let's face it TEXAS HOLD 'EM is everywhere,sure you can't even go for a pint on a thursday night without been tempted into a game.

20 euro buy in they say,sure it's only a bit o'craic they say,and before you know it your fingernails are gone and so too is your money and then your wife/husband,kids......

Ok,so that's the extreme but the whole thing is lethal.
I can understand having played some hands online how you can become addicted,so here's my poker history.....

I put $30 into pacific poker one night when i was shitfaced drunk,wake up and realise what a dick i've been but anyway the money is there so let's play........Bring it on.....

Long story short,$30 goes to $38 goes to$22 goes to $66 goes to $111 goes to $28 and now i have $10'75.......

The moral of the story is "Stay the fuck away from online poker"

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